Keith Calloway, Executive Director | JB Pritzker, Governor
Changes to Instructor Approval Application Process (Electronic Submissions)

Please note: The following changes to the instructor approval application process applies only to instructors teaching in the full-time or part-time academy. The process for instructor approval applications for in-service training remains the same.

Effective March 1, 2018, ILETSB will be accepting electronically submitted Approved Academy Instructor Applications as the primary method of submission. This new protocol will reduce staff time, allow for permanent records to be shared by the entire organization, and most importantly, ensure retention of permanent records. The process for receiving, retaining, and responding to those electronic applications are as follows:

  • Academy Director or Mobile Training Unit Coordinator locates the electronic Instructor Application on the ILETSB website under the “Resources” tab on the splash page, selecting “Forms & Information” from the drop down box, and scrolling to the “Applications for Instructors” section of the page, until they find “Application for Instructor - Form C.” Instructions for the application are found on the first page of the form, and at the top of each section.
  • Submit the form and any scanned supporting documentation via email to Applications may only be submitted by the MTU or the Academy, not by 3rd parties such as private companies or individuals.
  • If any supporting material is lacking, or additional clarification is required, those questions will be directed via email to the email address from which the original application was submitted. This will ensure ILETSB will have a permanent record of a single communication string.
  • Approval letters will be provided electronically to the email address provided by the application submitter.